Monday, September 10, 2007

Calcium Foods or Calcium Pills, Which is Better for Your Health?

Everyone knows that calcium is essential for strong bones. But which is better, foods high in calcium or taking calcium pills? Jean Carper reports in USA Weekend, dated August 31-September 2, 2007, that "a new study from Washington University School of Medicine says post-menopausal women who got most of their calcium from their diet or from diet and supplements had better bones than women who got most of their calcium from pills alone." The reason given is that most likely "calcium in food is better absorbed."

So, while taking calcium supplements, it is also important to eat calcium-rich foods. Fortunately, calcium can be found in a variety of food sources other than just milk. I'm sure there are more people like myself out there that don't really care to drink milk. I'll drink it, but it's not my favorite beverage. And there are people who are lactose-intolerant, who cannot easily digest milk or milk-related products. To give you just an ideal of the many food sources for calcium, it is found in: milk and dairy foods, salmon (with bones), sardines, seafood, green leafy vegetables, almonds, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, collards, dandelion greens, figs, filberts, kale, kelp, mustard greens, oats, prunes, soybeans, tofu, turnip greens, and watercress - just to name a few.

A calcium deficiency can lead to a number of health-related problems, such as: aching joints, brittle nails, eczema, hypertension (high blood pressure), insomnia, muscle cramps, numbness in the arms and/or legs, rheumatoid arthritis, rickets, and tooth decay. Obviously, calcium should be a necessary part of our daily diet. But don't just pop a pill, eat a food rich in calcium too.

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Thursday, September 6, 2007

Strong Bones for Good Health

For me, gardening is a passion. So, I was pleasantly surprised when I recently read that activities like gardening can contribute to bone health. There was an article entitled, "Build Bones with Strength Training, " by Jorge Cruise, in the USA Weekend dated August 3-5, 2007. In the article it stated that researchers doing a six-year, nationwide study found that "weight-bearing activities like strength training and yardwork were linked to bone health." The lead researcher pointed out that "like muscles, bone responds to force by growing. . . bones become more dense." In addition, it is essential to get the right amount of calcium each day for someone your age.

It is reassuring to know that when I'm gardening I'm not just turning up dirt, I'm improving my bone strength too. So, doing something I enjoy is improving my mind (mental attitude by relaxing) and my body (strong, dense bones). That is certainly a win, win proposition. STRENGTH TRAINING = STRONG BONES

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Monday, September 3, 2007

Enjoy the Holiday and Eat Some Healthy Stuff Too!

Have a great holiday weekend! And remember to treat your mind and body good, by relaxing and eating some healthy salads, veggies, and fresh fruit. HAVE FUN!!