Thursday, July 26, 2007

Spotting Skin Cancer

Although, I live in the South, I must admit that I don't really get concerned about sunscreen until the springtime, when the temperatures start to rise and the sunny days are longer. Yet, realistically, the UV rays from the sun are something to be careful of year-round. I notice that more and more emphasis is being put on skin cancer prevention right now, probably because it is summertime. Skin cancer can be a silent killer, so it is very important to know the signs.
One way to check for possible signs of skin cancer is to do a monthly self-exam of beauty marks and moles. If you notice any change in the shape, color, or they start to itch or bleed, it's time to talk to your doctor.
In the June 2007 issue of HEALTH magazine, it had an excellent article on skin cancer, with pictures to show when a mole or beauty mark is something to be concerned about. The link below will take you to a slideshow at to help identify an unhealthy mark.
I'm making a concerted effort to make putting on sunscreen a daily necessity before heading outside. It can help protect from wrinkles, sunburn, and skin cancer too.

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